概述: 微微特南果(Huehuetenango)是瓜地馬拉種植面積最高和最乾燥的地區,使其成為生產咖啡的最佳地區之一。 獨特的地理條件使它具有出眾的咖啡品質,並具有相當輕盈的口感,具有獨特的酸味和果香,回味清爽宜人。
產區: 微微特南果
風味特色: 明亮,乾淨的酸度,橙和柑橘軟糖風味; 堅果、蘋果、尾韻帶點茶感
海拔高度: 1350m-1700m
品種: 卡杜拉、波旁
處理法: 水洗法
General Description: Huehuetenango is one of Guatemala’s highest and driest regions under cultivation, making it one of the best for coffee production. It’s unique geographic conditions result in exceptional coffees with a fairly light body, distinctive tart and fruity aroma and a clean, pleasant aftertaste.
Region: Huehuetanango
Characteristics: Bright, clean acidity, orange and citrus jelly notes; apple, tea, and hazelnut flavors
Altitude: 1350m–2000m
Bean Type: Arabica – Caturra & Bourbon varietals
Processing: Washed