拯救地球, 一杯一次
Saving the Earth one Cup at a Time



  • 下次拜訪你最喜歡的職人咖啡館,外帶時可使用自己的保溫杯/馬克杯。
  • 準備茶或咖啡時,用爐子上開火準備熱水,而不是使用一直開著的保溫電熱水瓶。
  • 盡可能從可持續咖啡農場購買咖啡豆。 可持續的咖啡種植方法,例如減少肥料使用和節能處理法,可將碳排量減少多達至77%!——從處理每公斤生豆製造的 15.33 公斤二氧化碳,減少到 3.51 公斤。
  • 考慮喝添加較少奶製品的咖啡。用永續性咖啡豆沖煮的濃縮咖啡,碳排量每杯0.06 公斤。而用相同咖啡豆準備的拿鐵,碳排量每杯0.33 公斤。
  • 嘗試使用排碳量比牛奶少更多的植物性奶製品。燕麥奶與咖啡搭配得特別好(可詢問任何咖啡師!)。

Coffee Club 榮幸使用來自 Hacienda de Esmeralda 的生豆,一個屢獲殊榮的巴拿馬農場,非常重視可持續性發展和工人福祉。 它也是第一個商業化生產藝伎豆(瑰夏)的中美洲農場。

了解有關 Hacienda de Esmeralda 可持續性農場的更多信息(英文版):

購買 Hacienda de Esmeralda 藝伎豆:

It’s wonderful to drink great coffee! But it’s even better to drink great coffee and help the earth. Here are some tips for doing your part to ensure maximum sustainability in the coffee ecosystem:
  1. Bring your own reusable cup or mug to your favorite artisan café next time you visit.
  2. Consider heating your water on a stove for tea or coffee, instead of using a hot water heater that’s always on.
  3. Buy coffee beans from sustainable coffee farms, wherever possible. Sustainable coffee growing methods that use less fertilizer, more energy-efficient milling, and ship by boat instead of plane reduce carbon emissions by as much as 77%!— from 15.33 kg of CO2 down to 3.51 Kg, per kg of green coffee beans.
  4. Consider drinking coffees that require fewer milk products. A sustainably produced espresso requires as little as .06kg/cup, while a latte, using the same beans averages .33kg/cup.
  5. Try plant-based creamers that require significantly less carbon to produce than milk or cream. Oat milk goes especially well with coffee (ask any barista!)

Coffee Club is proud to use beans from Hacienda la Esmeralda, an award-winning Panamanian farm that emphasizes sustainability and worker well-being. It’s also the first Central American farm to produce Geisha beans commercially. To learn more about sustainability at Hacienda la Esmeralda, click here.

Purchase beans from Hacienda la Esmeralda here.


Harvesting Geisha beans at Hacienda la Esmeralda. Photo courtesy of Hacienda La Esmeralda
藝伎收成豆, Harvesting Geisha beans.。 照片由  Hacienda La Esmeralda 提供 。Photo by Hacienda La Esmeralda



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