概述: 在美式配方,淺焙濃縮咖啡的清爽滋味中醒來。濃縮咖啡的口感,單品咖啡的風味。
淺焙精品美式配方豆: 淺焙配方豆使用 100% 阿拉比卡咖啡豆,達到初爆狀態,然後體驗由熱致膨脹引起的第一次爆裂。 這種配方產生栗棕色和乾燥表皮,有烤穀物的香氣。
產區: 中美洲和南美洲,非洲和印度尼西亞的單品
風味特色: 莓果主調、柑橘、檸檬的上揚香氣
海拔高度: 依各種豆類
品種: 100% 阿拉比卡咖啡豆
General Description: Wake up to the fresh, crisp taste of Americano Light Roast Espresso. Espresso taste, single origin flavors.
Light Roast blend brings 100% arabica beans to their first crack,” when then experience the first popping caused by heat-induced expansion. This blend yields a chestnut brown in color with a dry surface and toasted grain flavor.
The resulting flavors are closer to single origin characteristics than traditional espresso, fruitier, with citrus aroma
Region: Various beans from Central & South America, Africa, Indonesia
Characteristics: Notes of berry and citrus, with lemon aroma
Altitude: Varies
Bean Type: 100% Arabica