Sidamo, the Kinder, Gentler African Legend

Sidamo Region of Ethiopia

衣索比亞西達摩地區的咖啡農場. Coffee farm in the Sidamo Region of Ethiopia; photo by perfectdailygrind.com

據說衣索比亞是咖啡的發源地。 西達摩地區位於衣索比亞南部。 西達摩人從公元 5 世紀就開始生產咖啡。

事實上據傳說,咖啡是在 Sidamo 發現的,當時一位名叫 Kaldi 的當地牧羊人注意到他的山羊在吃了一些野生紅色漿果後顯得更有活力。 自己試了幾下,頓時感覺精神一振。

Sidamo 被認為是世界上最好的咖啡之一,因為它的順滑度、平衡性和複雜性,通常包含花果或柑橘味。

Sidamo 生長在海拔 1700 至 2200 米之間。 由於生長在高海拔地區,這緩慢生長的豆種收成期相當晚,約在 10 月至 1 月之間。 這獨特性為Sidamo 提供了額外的時間來吸收營養, 讓風味形成。

大多數 Sidamo 用濕法或水洗法加工,在曬乾前去除大部分果皮和果肉。 以這種方式處理的衣索比亞南部咖啡,通常表現出極大的芳香複雜性和風味強度,特別強調花香。

Sidamo 是一款口感順滑、多樣性的咖啡,既可熱飲,也可冰飲。 無論是否加糖和奶,它的味道都很好,因為這些添加物實際上可能會增加其漿果的味道。 我今天品嘗了Sidamo 黑咖啡。 下次我可能會加糖和奶。

如果您從未嘗試過 Sidamo,而且您喜歡帶有一些莓果和花朵複雜度的柔滑、優雅的咖啡,請嘗試一下——你會發現這咖啡體驗超級值得!


看看我們的兩支單品Sidamo 西達摩:

MASK CAT  Ethiopia/Sidamo G1 衣索比亞 西達摩 Bensa Morea  茉莉雅

dAVinci Ethiopia Sidamo衣索比亞 西達摩 WUSH WUSH


Ethiopia is said to be the birthplace of coffee. The Sidamo region lies in the Southern part of Ethiopia. peoples of Sidamo have been producing coffee since the 5th century.

In fact, according to legend, coffee was discovered in Sidamo when a local goatherd named Kaldi noticed that his goats appeared more energetic after eating some wild red berries. After trying some himself, he felt a rush of energy.

Sidamo is regarded as one of the finest coffees in the world, because of its smoothness, balance, and complexity, which typically includes floral berry or citrus notes.

Sidamo is grown at elevations of between 1700 and 2100 meters. Its slow growing beans are harvested fairly late, between Oct and Jan, due to the high altitude at which they’re grown. This allows extra time for nutrients to be absorbed and Sidamo’s unique characteristics to be formed.

Most Sidamo processed by the wet or washed method, with most of the fruit skin and pulp removed before sun-drying. Southern Ethiopia coffees processed this way typically show great aromatic complexity and intensity, with a particular emphasis on floral notes.

Sidamo is a smooth, versatile coffee that can be enjoyed both hot and iced. It also tastes great with or without sugar and cream, as these additions may actually augment its berry taste. I had Sidamo today black. Next time I’ll probably add sugar and creme.

If you’ve never tried Sidamo, and you like smooth, elegant coffee with some fruit and flower complexity give it a try––you’ll find it a very rewarding experience!



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