Why Grinding Matters

Photo © COFFEE CLUB  紐約藍瓶的咖啡師研磨咖啡豆. Grinding coffee beans at Blue Bottle Coffee, New York


根據沖煮的方法,適當的研磨將適量的豆子暴露在熱水中,以萃取最極致的風味。 聽起來很容易,但是存在一些潛在問題。

1. 使用廉價的電動刀片式研磨機,難以達到你沖煮方法需要的均勻研磨。 刀片旁邊的豆子被切磨得更細,而更遠的豆子磨得不夠細。

2. 刀片式研磨機也會產生大量熱量。 咖啡豆中所有這些有趣味道的化學物質,通常是揮發性的。 雖然它們在烘焙過程中受到咖啡豆皮的保護,但在研磨過程中產生的熱量,會將風味暴露在空氣中,熱量會導致它們蒸發。

Burr (磨盤式) 的電動和手動研磨器,在豆子經過研磨的機械結構時,均勻地粉碎豆子並避免產生熱量。 所有豆子都被平等的處理,因此研磨均勻。 因為每顆豆子只被壓碎一次,產生的熱量很少。 不同類型的磨盤式研磨機器可進行調節,類似胡椒研磨器。 雖然錐形磨盤式(Conical burr) 研磨機被認為是最好的,但任何磨盤式研磨都能生產出一杯優質的咖啡。

1. 在準備沖煮前再研磨咖啡豆
3. 選擇合適的研磨度(細度/粗度)
4. 保持咖啡研磨機的清潔



Even with the best artisan coffee, roasted to perfection, pure water, premium filters, and great pour-over technique, you can still ruin it all with an incorrect grind.

Proper grinding exposes just the right amount of the bean to the hot water, depending on the brewing method, to extract maximum flavor. Sounds easy. But there are some big potential problems.

1. It’s difficult to achieve an even grind with a cheap electric blade-type grinder. That’s because the beans next to the blade get more finely crushed while those further away aren’t ground enough.

2. Blade grinders also generate a lot of heat. The chemicals in the coffee beans that produce all those interesting flavors are frequently volatile. While they’re protected during the roasting process by each bean’s skin, heat generated during the grinding process exposes them to air, which can cause them to evaporate.

Burr electric and hand grinders avoid generating heat by crushing the beans evenly as they pass through the grinding mechanism. All beans are treated equally, resulting in an even grind. Little heat is produced because each bean is crushed one time only. The burrs are adjustable for different types of machines, similar to a pepper grinder. While conical burr machines are thought to be the best any burr machine will produce a great cup of premium coffee.

We’ll leave you with a few “rules” for coffee-grinding success:
1. Grind your coffee right before you are ready to brew
2. Use a burr-type coffee grinder
3. Choose the right grind size (fineness/coarseness)
4. Keep your coffee grinder clean

Happy Grinding!


A-IDIO|精工手搖磨豆機, 精密陶瓷磨芯,低溫研磨保留風味
Manual Grinder with precision, low-temperature ceramic burr to preserve original flavor


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