關於咖啡俱樂部 About coffee Club
咖啡俱樂部 COFFEE CLUB 是網上購買來自台灣各家頂級咖啡館, 職人精品咖啡豆的專賣店。簡單又方便, 它提供了無與倫比的選擇, 從優惠價的咖啡豆體驗包月費制訂購, 尖端配件, 到主題式掛耳濾袋咖啡, 冷萃包和各式節日禮盒。咖啡俱樂部的創辦人之一, 是台北職人咖啡烘焙先鋒者。 我們是台灣第三波咖啡生態系統的一部分。 我們相信以協作的方式來銷售優質咖啡。 為此信念,我們很自豪能夠提供台灣最好的職人精品咖啡豆。
Coffee Club is a one-stop shop for buying coffee from Taiwan’s top third wave cafes. It’s easy, convenient, and offers unparalleled choice––from branded artisan beans, to subscriptions that let you sample multiple products each month, to themed drip bag assortments.
Coffee Club doesn’t just sell coffee. We’ve been a proud part of Taiwan’s 3rd Wave coffee ecosystem since 2002, when co-founder Davis Cheng opened his first cafe. We believe in a collaborative approach to selling great coffee. To that end we’re proud to offer the best selection of artisan coffee beans in Taiwan.