常見問題 / Frequently Asked Questions
Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.
我們的銷售模式包括單一購買的產品和會員制訂購。 我們根據訂購長度提供折扣價格,此外所有會員制訂購享受免運費服務。
Coffee Club is an online shop where you’ll find whole bean and drip bag coffee from top Taiwanese artisan coffee roasters, as well as coffee accessories.
Our sales model includes both single purchase items and subscriptions. We offer discounted prices for subscriptions, depending on length, plus free shipping for all subscriptions.
咖啡俱樂部會員制訂購, 需要約定購買3至12個月的任何俱樂部會員制產品。 目前我們僅提供 “早晨探索系列” 的會員制訂購。 “早晨探索系列” 包含三包x100克, 從各個職人精品咖啡館採購的單一產地豆。
Coffee Club subscriptions require a commitment to purchase between 3 and 12 monthly shipments of any of our products. Initially we’ll offer subscriptions for our “Morning Explorer” packs only. Morning Explorer contains either three 100g bags of single origin beans sourced from various artisan cafes.
We use the T-Cat / Pelican delivery service. You can also go to any 7-11, Family Mart, or Hi-Life in Taiwan to pick-up / or make a payment.
We guarantee delivery within 3 business days after your order, so long as the product is in stock.
大多數咖啡產品的固定運費為NT$60元; 會員制訂購和購買超過NT$1000元免運費。
For most coffee items the fixed delivery cost is NT$60; for subscriptions and purchases of over 1000NT delivery charges are waived
We currently accept payment through ECPay or by bank transfer, or pay when you pick up at available convenience store locations.
咖啡俱樂部與小批量職人精品咖啡烘豆商合作; 大多數擁有CQI的Q-Grader認證。按此 觀看合作豆商。
創辦人兼合夥人,Davis,取得CQI的Q-Grader認證。他親自評鑑我們出售的所有咖啡豆, 並與我們的烘豆商協調合作,確保能提供您精心嚴選的優質咖啡豆,並提供烘焙深淺度選擇。
Coffee Club partners with small-batch artisan coffee roasters; most are Q-certified coffee graders. Click Here to see list.
Founding Partner Davis Cheng, himself a Q-certified roaster, personally evaluates all beans we sell and coordinates with our roasters to ensure a thoroughly curated mix of great coffee beans and roasting depths.
We aim to provide our subscribers with the best possible coffee-drinking experience.
由於任何原因,我們接受您在收到產品的7天內, 任何未拆封的咖啡袋或盒子的退貨。 除非本來包裝就有明顯的破損,否則我們不接受任何已打開的咖啡退貨。退貨運費由買方支付。
We accept returns of any unopened bag or box of coffee returned within 7 days of of receiving delivery of your order, for any reason. We do not accept returns of any opened coffee bags, except where there’s a clear and obvious defect. Return shipping charges shall be paid by purchaser.