You Say Sidamo, I Say Sidama

先不管哪個名稱,他都是世界上最好的咖啡之一,以其獨特的莓果風味而聞名。 這個古老種植區的豆子採摘和加工方式與 1500 年前大致相同;那麼,這兩個不同名稱之間有為什麼關係呢?

其實這是一個政治上的問題。一直到 1995 年, 種植區被稱為 “西達摩省” 。當年開始引入種族系統來命名,因為住在這一省的人稱為Sidama, 這個地方的名稱也開始叫做“Sidama”,以反映對該地區人民的稱呼。

2020年的公投為這個省更名,正式稱為 ”Sidama”。

這個名稱的更改在咖啡行業的滲透速度很慢,導致生豆和烘焙豆都在 Sidamo 和 Sidama 的命名旗幟下銷售。

不管你怎麼稱呼它,Sidama 或 Sidamo,都是世界上最好的咖啡之一 ——來看看吧!


MASK CAT Ethiopia Sidama, Lot #74158 G1 
衣索比亞 希達馬, 單一品種 G1 74158



Photo Credit: picryl.com

Ethiopia Map, Nov, 29 1994


Photo Credit: abolcoffeeco.com

Sidama/Sidamo cherries 希達馬/西達摩咖啡櫻桃


It’s one of the great coffees of the world, notable for its distinctive berry flavors. The beans from this ancient growing area are picked and processed much the same way they were 1500 years ago. So, what’s with the different names?

Actually it’s a political issue. The growing area was officially “Sidamo Province” until 1995, when a different ethnicity-based system was introduced. The name officially became “Sidama” to reflect what the people in the area are called.

And it didn’t end there, either. A 2020 referendum officially restored the “Province” designation for the area, under the name “Sidama”.

This name change has been slow to percolate into the coffee industry, resulting in both green and roasted beans being marketed under both the Sidamo and Sidama banners.

Whatever you call it, Sidama/Sidamo is one of the world’s best coffees––check it out!

先不管哪個名稱,他都是世界上最好的咖啡之一,以其獨特的莓果風味而聞名。 這個古老種植區的豆子採摘和加工方式與 1500 年前大致相同;那麼,這兩個不同名稱之間有為什麼關係呢?

其實這是一個政治上的問題。一直到 1995 年, 種植區被稱為 “西達摩省” 。當年開始引入種族系統來命名,因為住在這一省的人稱為Sidama, 這個地方的名稱也開始叫做“Sidama”,以反映對該地區人民的稱呼。

2020年的公投為這個省更名,正式稱為 ”Sidama”。

這個名稱的更改在咖啡行業的滲透速度很慢,導致生豆和烘焙豆都在 Sidamo 和 Sidama 的命名旗幟下銷售。

不管你怎麼稱呼它,Sidama 或 Sidamo,都是世界上最好的咖啡之一 ——來看看吧!


MASK CAT Ethiopia Sidama, Lot #74158 G1
 衣索比亞 希達馬, 單一品種 G1 74158



Photo Credit: picryl.com

Ethiopia Map, Nov, 29 1994


Photo Credit: abolcoffeeco.com

Sidama/Sidamo cherries 希達馬/西達摩咖啡櫻桃


It’s one of the great coffees of the world, notable for its distinctive berry flavors. The beans from this ancient growing area are picked and processed much the same way they were 1500 years ago. So, what’s with the different names?

Actually it’s a political issue. The growing area was officially “Sidamo Province” until 1995, when a different ethnicity-based system was introduced. The name officially became “Sidama” to reflect what the people in the area are called.

And it didn’t end there, either. A 2020 referendum officially restored the “Province” designation for the area, under the name “Sidama”.

This name change has been slow to percolate into the coffee industry, resulting in both green and roasted beans being marketed under both the Sidamo and Sidama banners.

Whatever you call it, Sidama/Sidamo is one of the world’s best coffees––check it out!


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