概述: 秘魯 庫斯科 七寶瀑(SIETE TINAJAS) 水洗處理。秘魯目前被認為是眾多咖啡產區裡尚未被打磨過的鑽石,雖然知名度仍不及鄰國巴西、哥倫比亞,但他正以高品質慢慢地建立起生產卓越精品咖啡的口碑。
產區: 庫斯科(Cusco)
風味特色: 蘋果、堅果、黑糖餘韻
海拔高度: 1450-2050m
品種: 波旁、帝比卡、卡杜拉、帕奇
處理法: 水洗處理
General Description: Like an unpolished diamond, Peruvian coffee, while less well-known than beans from neighboring Brazil and Colombia, is slowly establishing a reputation for excellence. Located in the Andes Mountains at a relatively high altitude (1450m–2050m).
The name “Qibao Waterfall” comes from the name of a local river, which divides into 7 smaller streams, forming waterfalls with each––hence the name. The area is rich in cocoa beans and coffee, including Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, and Pache varieties.
Under light roasting, it has a pleasant aroma of apples, nuts, roasted tea, and finally has brown sugar aftertaste. The taste is full and smooth, and the flavor is distinct from hot to cold. It makes great everyday coffee!
Region: Cusco
Characteristics: Apple, Nuts, Brown Sugar
Altitude: 1450m–2050m
Bean Type: Typica/Bourbon/Caturra/Pache
Processing: Washed