據說衣索比亞是咖啡的發源地。 自第5世紀以來,衣索比亞西南部的奧羅莫人就已開始生產咖啡豆! Wush Wush豆以該品種的原產地命名。 使用厭氧 (低氧)發酵過程,然後在高架床上進行日曬乾燥,帶來非常獨特和特殊的口味體驗。
產區: 歐若米雅西達摩
風味特色: 香濃的水蜜桃、草莓、荔枝甜蜜中帶著細緻的咖啡花香氣,接著佛手柑、蜂蜜、紅茶,從乾香至入口都豐腴甜美, 有著飽滿扎實及強勁的花果香滋味。
海拔高度: 1800m–2200m
品種: Wush Wush
處理法: 厭氧日曬發酵
General Description: Ethiopia is said to be the birthplace of coffee. The Oromio peoples of Southwestern Ethiopia have been producing it since the 5th century! Wush Wush beans are named after the variety’s town of origin.
The anarobic (low oxygen) fermentation process followed by sun-drying on raised beds results in a very unique and special taste experience.
Region: Oromio Sidamo
Characteristics: The fragrant peach, strawberry, and lychee sweetness has a delicate coffee flower aroma, followed by bergamot, honey, and black tea. From the dry aroma to the mouth, it is plump and sweet with a full, solid and strong floral and fruity flavor.
Altitude: 1800m-2200m
Bean Type: Arabica – Wush Wush
Processing: Anarobic fermentation + Sun dried