Yi-Pin Coffee Estate wins a silver medal in the Truemeiyuan Taiwan Specialty Coffee Award

我們很高興宣布,與Coffee Club合作的唯一台灣阿里山莊園,  Yi-Pin Coffee Estate, 獲得竹梅源-臺灣精品咖啡大賞銀獎該獎項授予一品咖啡莊園的日曬生豆。日曬豆是採用帶皮咖啡櫻桃進行發酵處理,允許果肉在咖啡豆上停留的時間比其他處理法更長; 此做法能夠製作出果香、風味飽滿、甜感濃郁且咖啡醇厚度高的日曬豆。“一品” 獲得的其他獎項包括2019年和2021年的阿里山咖啡精英交流賽的金質和銀質獎。”一品” 的咖啡豆更分別獲得世界杯測冠軍劉邦禹、世界咖啡大師吳則霖青睞選購。你可以在這裡找到一品日曬豆。

We’re pleased to announce the Coffee Club’s exclusive Taiwan green bean supplier, Yi-Pin Coffee Estate, has won a silver medal in the Truemeiyuan Taiwan Specialty Coffee Award event.The award was given for Yi-Pin’s Natural (sun-dried) process green beans. The sun-dried process imparts flavor from the coffee cherry, which is allowed to remain on bean longer than with other processes. This method produces sun-dried beans with fruity aroma, full flavor, rich sweetness and high coffee richness.Other Awards for Yi-Pin include a 2019 & 2021 Alishan Coffee Elite Exchange Gold & Silver medal. Yi-Pin beans are used by World Cup Tasters champion Liu Bangyu and World Coffee Champion Master Burg Wu, of Simple Kaffa.You can find Yi-Pin sun-dried beans here


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