俱樂部音樂組曲 Club MIX Set


我們每個人都喜歡聽不同類型的音樂,有時是貝多芬,有時我們只是想跳舞。 然而,多數人只喝深焙。“ClubMix 俱樂部組曲” 帶你探索咖啡世界。 每盒有兩種相似咖啡能量和風味特徵的高品質單一產地咖啡:

爵士組曲 (一盒10包, 2種口味)
Jazz MIX 複雜,高調的口味,口感通常 比較鋒利,更像酒一樣

森巴組曲 (一盒10包, 2種口味)
Samba MIX 會跳舞的咖啡– 有點果味, 花香, 辛香……或許三種都有!

古典組曲 (一盒10包, 2種口味)
Classical MIX 柔滑濃郁,帶有堅果,巧克力或焦糖韻味

一組有30個掛耳包, 6種單一產地的咖啡– 從滑順的哥倫比亞巧克力風味, 到異國情調的洛神花肯亞,再到有明亮果味的瓜地馬拉等等。

給您熱愛咖啡的朋友一組完美禮物 手工製作木盒可以將30多個咖啡掛耳袋收納在一起

Coffee Club 現在以30% 的折扣, 以夾鏈袋包裝60個平均混合(每種風味10包)的爵士、森巴和古典的精品掛耳包。 以更優惠的價格,享受更多超棒的職人咖啡!

We all like to listen to different kinds of music—sometimes Beethoven, sometimes we just want to dance. “ClubMIX” gets you out exploring your coffee world. Each box contains two high-quality single origin coffees with similar coffee energy and flavor characteristics.

Classical MIX Smooth and rich, with chocolate, toasted nut, or caramel flavors

Samba MIXCoffee that dances; a little fruity, flowery, spicy, or all three!

Jazz MIX Complex, provocative flavors, sometimes earthier, sometimes tarter or floral.

Each Set contains 30 drip bags, and includes 6 unique single-origin coffees––from smooth chocolatey Columbian to exotic, roselle-flavored Kenyan to bright, fruity Guatamalan and more.

To give the perfect gift for your coffee connoisseur friends and loved ones, we also offer the complete Club Mix set in a special handcrafted wooden box, which organizes 30+ drip bags all in one place.

Want even more coffee? Now you can get 60 (10 each of 6 flavors) Jazz, Samba, and Classical drip bags in a single pouch for 30% off our regular price. Get amazingly good  artisan coffee at a great price!

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