以花蜜般細緻的絲滑口感,在深沉厚實的肯亞複雜層次調性中,開出明亮艷麗的紅色花朵。Nyekundu在斯瓦希里語(Kiswahili)裡是紅色的意思,Hibiscus則是英文裡的木槿花; 聶絲紅是這支風味卓絕的肯亞”Nyeshun”的音譯。
產區: 冽里 (Nyeri)
風味特色: 乾香為小紅莓,梅心糖和花香。 啜吸時可感受到酸甜明亮的蔓越莓、洛神、梅子汁等飽滿的紅色調風味,伴隨著橘皮與淡雅花香,尾段帶有梅子蜜餞與仙楂香氣,口感飽滿扎實。
海拔高度: 約1,600 – 1,750m
品種: SL28, SL34
生產者: 所屬合作社小農
處理法: 傳統肯亞式水洗處理法非洲式高架棚架日曬乾燥
General Description: With the delicate silky taste like nectar, bright and gorgeous red flowers bloom in the deep and thick Kenyan complex layer tone, with outstanding flavor.. Nyeshun means hibiscus flower in English.
Region: Nyeri
Characteristics: Cranberry, plum candy, and floral fragrances. Flavor notes of sweet & sour bright cranberries, roselle, & plum juice + orange peel, with candied plum and hawthorn finish and a full, solid taste.
Altitude: 1,600m – 1,750m
Bean Type: Arabica – SL28, SL34
Producers: Small farmers in cooperatives
Processing: Washed | Sun dried