概述: 耶里哈(Yerihar)在斯瓦希里語(kiswahili)的原文是 nyekundu hariri,nyekundu是紅色的意思,hariri則是絲絨,合起來就是紅絲絨。「斯瓦希里語」是非洲最多人使用的語言之一,也是肯亞的兩個官方語言之一,另一個官方語言是英文。紅絲絨這個命名代表了這支咖啡的風味元素,紅色代表了紅色如蔓越莓、小紅莓等紅色水果及洛神花,絲絨則代表其高雅如絲絨般的水果。透過烘焙又巧妙的帶出了黑醋栗、烏梅等風味元素以及洛神花、佛手柑的香氣,相當精采好喝。
產區: 冽里
風味特色: 葡萄柚、柑橘、蜂蜜、蔓越莓、平衡
海拔高度: 約1600m – 1750m
品種: SL28, SL34
處理法: 傳統肯亞式水洗處理法, 非洲式高架棚架日曬乾燥
General Description: Kenya AA is the country’s top grade. This is a wonderfully aromatic and complex coffee. Production is from small farms in the Yerihar region.
Region: Nyeri
Characteristics: Kenya AA coffees are big, full bodied, and complex, with caramel and red wine overtones and berry and fruit notes.
Altitude: 1600m–2000m
Bean Type: Arabica – Bourbon varietals SL28 & SL34
Processing: Traditional wash/sun-dried processing with manual de-pulping machines
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