MASK CAT Coffee Roasters
2002年, 國立台灣藝術大學美術系畢業的高材生 Davis, 開設了台灣第三波咖啡館先鋒之一的貓妝咖啡館, Mask Cat Cafe, 實現了畢生的夢想。
Davis擁有CQI的Q-Grader証照, 具有20年的小批量烘豆經驗。 以專業的烘豆師的角度, 他追求的是在最短的時間內把豆子烘熟, 突顯每支豆子獨特的風味, 在這個基礎上, 所烘焙的咖啡豆自然會以淺焙居多, 強調果酸與花香。Davis 說: “希望這杯小確辛,豐富了品嘗者的生活。”.
In 2002 owner Davis, a former honor student at National Taiwan University of Fine Arts, fulfilled a lifelong dream by opening Mask Cat Cafe, one of Taiwan’s first Third Wave cafes.
Davis is a Q-certified roasters with 20 years of small batch roasting experience. He prefers light roasts that highlight each bean’s unique characteristics, and beans with fruit acidity and floral aroma. Says Davis: “I hope each cup brings a little bit of happiness in life [to those who drink it]”
地點 / Location:
No. 64, Chang’an West Road, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103
平日營業時間 / Normal Hours:
上午10:00 – 下午9:00
Open Daily from 10AM to 9PM
電話 / Phone: +886 2 2550 0561
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