Included Products:
ClubMix Set
Classical Mix (Medium-Dark Roasted) 古典(深焙):
Smooth and rich, with chocolate, toasted nut, or caramel flavors
每盒包括/ Included Products:
Indonesia/Sumatra/Aceh/Gayo TP
Wet Hulled/Medium Dark
Grass Jelly, Licorice, Caramel, Smooth rich, Sweet finish
Washed/Sun Dried/Medium-Dark Roasted
Nuts, Caramel, Dark Chocolate
Samba Mix (Medium Roasted) 森巴(中焙):
會跳舞的咖啡– 有點果味, 花香, 辛香……或許三種都有!
Coffee that dances; a little fruity, flowery, spicy, or all three!
每盒包括/ Included Products
Brazil Cerrado Acaia Black Diamond
巴西 喜拉朵 阿凱亞種 日曬處理 黑鑽石
Natural/Medium Roast
Nuts, Longan, Mild and supple taste
Guatemala/Huehuetanango/Finca La Bolsa
Washed/Medium Light
Nut, Apple, Tea-like finish
Jazz (Light–Medium Roasted) 爵士(淺中焙):
複雜,高調的口味,口感通常 比較鋒利,更像酒一樣
Complex, provocative flavors, sometimes earthier, sometimes tarter and more wine-like
每盒包括/ Included Products:
Ethiopia/Yirgacheffe/Guji /Hambela
Natural/Medium Roast
Passion Fruit, Berries, Mango, Tropical Fruits
Kenya/Nyeri/Nyeshun AA
肯亞 涅里/聶絲紅/洛神紅 AA
Deep & bright Roselle red; a gorgeous flavor & soft nectar-like texture
Morning Explorer Pack
每盒 “早晨探索” 內含3袋各100克的體驗包,這些咖啡豆來自不同的第三波職人精品咖啡館。您可以選擇遞送到你家, 或到你指定的附近超商領取。
所有咖啡豆子都來自單一產地,由各家咖啡館以生豆(未經烘焙)購入,並以小批量定制烘焙。 我們目前提供淺中焙和中深焙的選擇。 在接下來的幾個月內,我們將增加更多的烘豆商和豆種,以便為訂戶提供更多選擇。
Each Morning Explorer Packs consists of three sample-size (100g) packs of whole beans from different Third Wave cafes delivered to your door or nearby convenience store, if you prefer.
All beans are single origin coffees purchased green (unroasted) and custom-roasted in small batches by each cafe. We currently offer light to medium and medium to dark roast options. We will be adding additional roasters and bean types over the next few months to provide more choices for our customers.
衣索比亞, 谷吉, 烏拉嘎, 庫魯麥種
產區: 宏都拉斯 聖文森處理廠 花樣梅洛莊園 SHB
風味特色: 栗子、紅茶、巧克力
海拔高度: 1400m
品種: Pacas
處理法: 水洗處理法
烘焙度: 淺中焙
Honduras, Miraflores, Finca Juan Contreras
Region: Miraflores, Santa Barbara, processing at Saint Vincent facility
Characteristics: Chestnuts, black tea, chocolate
Altitude: 2050m–2200m
Bean Type: Pacas
Processing: Washed/sun-dried
Roasting Level: Light–Medium
哥倫比亞, 薇拉, 頂級
產區: 薇拉省
風味特色: 仙草、甘草、焦糖奶油、香濃回甘
海拔高度: 1350m-1700m
品種: 卡杜拉、鐵比卡、波旁
處理法: 水洗法
烘焙度: 中焙
Columbia, Huila, Supremo
Region: Huila
Characteristics: Bright acidity with a bittersweet, dark-cocoa finish, and fruit notes, medium body, fruity, caramel aroma
Altitude: 1350m –1700m
Bean Type: Arabica – Caturra, Typica
Processing: Traditional wash/sun-dried processing with manual de-pulping machines
Roasting Level: Medium
蘇門答臘/迦佑山脈, 經典曼特寧
產區: 亞齊, 迦佑山脈
風味特色: 仙草、甘草、焦糖奶油、香濃回甘
海拔高度: 1250m-1600m
品種: 帝比卡種
處理法: 濕剝除法
烘焙度: 中深焙
Sumatra/Gayo Mountain, Mandheling
Region: Gayo Mountain, Aceh
Characteristics: Grass Jelly, Licorice, Caramel, Rich & Sweet
Altitude: 1250m –1600m
Bean Type: Arabica – Typica
Processing: Wet-hulled
Roasting Level: Medium–Dark
哥倫比亞 /女俠莊園, Caturra
產區: Huila San Adolfo
風 味: 紅色莓果、檸檬、蜜漬柑橘
海拔高度: 1620m
品種: Caturra
處理法: 日曬處理法 Natural Process
烘焙度: 中焙
Colombia, Finca La Bandida, Caturra
Region: Huila San Adolfo
Characteristics: Red berries, lemons, candied citrus
Altitude: 1620m
Bean Type: Arabica – Caturra
Processing: Triple fermentation/sun-dried processing
Roasting Level: Medium
Free Artisan Coffee Beans:
概述: 阿基里斯是一支單品,但也不單單只是一支單品,阿基里斯是錘子想表現出如勇士般堅毅調性的豆子,帶著沉穩的堅果香氣,但又帶著些微靈活的酸,就如同在戰場上勇猛卻又靈動的戰士一樣。
產區: 宏都拉斯 聖文森處理廠 花樣梅洛莊園
風味描述: 栗子、紅茶、巧克力
海拔高度: 1400m~1700m
品種: Pacas
處理法: 水洗法
TWI-A – Achilles, Honduras, Juan Contreras Miraflores, San Vicente
General Description: Achilles is as much an attitude as a product––the idea of a bean as strong as a warrior, with a calm nutty aroma, but with a little Flexible acid. It’s like a brave but agile soldier on the battlefield.
Region: Honduras Miraflores, Finca Juan Contreras
Characteristics: Chestnut, Black Tea, Chocolate
Altitude: 1400m-1700m
Bean Type: Arabica – Pacas
Processing: Traditional wash/sun-dried processing with manual de-pulping machines