概述: 凍子頂山位於阿里山脈上,海拔高度高、日夜溫差大,加上有遮蔭樹,咖啡生長緩慢。
產區: 大阿里山區, 凍子頂山
風味特色: 堅果調性、紅糖香氣、茶感及淡雅的果香調
海拔高度: 約1000m-1100m
品種: Typica & SL34
處理法: 水洗
烘焙度: 淺焙
General Description: Yi Pin Estate is located on Dongziding Mountain, in the Alishan Region of Taiwan. Its high altitude, large temperature difference between day and night, and shade trees insure that coffee grows slowly.
After the coffee cherries are picked, the washed beans are flotation and peeled with mountain spring water, and then fermented by the low-temperature anaerobic dry stack washing method. After the fermentation is completed, the pectin is cleaned with mountain spring water.
The flavor is clean and bright and the taste is refreshing and balanced. (Different batches have different flavors. Generally, our washed beans will have a nutty note, brown sugar aroma, tea feel and elegant fruity aroma.)
Region: Alishan/ Dongziding Mountain
Characteristics: Nutty notes, brown sugar & fruity aroma, tea feel
Bean Type: Arabica – Typica & SL34
Processing: Washed
Roasting Level: Light