概述: 蓋德奥(Gediyo)屬於衣索比亞南方的一州,而耶加雪菲鎮、潔蒂普鎮以及瓦娜果鎮隸屬於蓋德奥州内。
在台灣常見的,只有G1-G4分類; 不論水洗或日曬豆,選擇G1應該要能得到較少瑕疵率以及美味的咖啡豆。現行的分級方式是ECX制定的以物理屬性特徵與杯测風味特徵結合評分以定級數,咖啡按照處理方式先分類為:日曬,水洗,按物理特徵與杯测基本品質評分為GI-G9的9個等級,G1-G3按照SCAA標準再杯测,再次的評定其風味屬性,85分以上的G1、G2評定為Q1级,80到85的G1,G2,G3評為Q2级,對80分以下的所有G1,G2,G3評定為G3等级,不同產區都有自己獨特的風味,所以不見得等級低會比G1來得差。
產區: 蓋德奧 耶加雪菲
風味描述: 柑橘、綠茶、蜂蜜
海拔高度: 1,950 – 2,100 公尺
品種: 古優原生種
處理法: 水洗
烘焙度: 淺焙
General Description:
Gediyo is located in southern Ethiopia, and includes the towns of Yirgacheffe, Zetip and Vanago.
Beans from this region are rated from G1-G9 categories; no matter washed or sun-dried beans. The current grading method is based on the combination of physical attribute characteristics and cupping flavor characteristics developed by ECX to determine the number of grades. While G1 beans have fewer blemishes and a superior flavor to other beans, each different production areas has its own unique flavors, so it is not necessarily true that a lower grade will be worse than G1.
The combination of high altitude, fertile soil, consistent and abundant rainfall, and a wealth of local knowledge are all factors that contribute to the high status of Yirgacheffe coffee.
Region: Gidiyo, Yirgacheffe
Characteristics: Citrus, Green Tea, Honey
Altitude: 1,950m-2,100m
Bean Type:
Processing: Washed
Roasting Level: Light