我們開始營業了!We’re Open for Business!


我們的使命是將台灣最好的烘焙咖啡豆帶給台灣和世界各地的咖啡愛好者,同時通過銷售產品, 鼓勵和採取協作營銷方式來支持台灣的第三波咖啡生態系統。

我們不只是賣咖啡,也烘咖啡豆。 創辦合夥人兼首席運營長 Davis Cheng, 擁有CQI的Q-Grader証照,和20年的烘豆經驗。 Davis於2002年在台北開設了他的第一家職人咖啡館。

我們目前與5家烘豆商合作,將在接下來的12個月內再增加10-15家,並在台北開設實體店。 您可以在這裡品嘗我們所有的咖啡豆,並挑選您喜歡的!

Coffee Club is Taiwan’s one-stop shop for whole beans, drip bags, and bulk fresh-brewed coffee from Taiwan’s top artisan cafes.

Our mission is both to bring Taiwan’s finest roast coffee beans to coffee lovers in Taiwan and…the world, while supporting Taiwan’s Third Wave coffee ecosystem, through selling their products and encouraging a collaborative marketing approach.

We don’t just sell coffee–we roast it. Founding Partner and COO Davis Cheng is a Q-certified coffee grader with 20 years of roasting experience. Davis opened his first artisan cafe in Taipei in 2002.

We’re currently partnering with 5 roasters, and will be adding another 10–15 over the next 12 months, as well as a physical storefront in Taipei where you can sample all our beans and pick up your favorites!


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