除了銷售您品牌的原包裝咖啡產品外, 您的產品還會包含在我們的 ”早晨探索系列” 全豆組合, 和 ”俱樂部組合” 的掛耳式濾袋集錦中。因此我們的用戶和會員在購買精品咖啡時, 享有最多的選擇和最便捷的訂購方式,並且能夠先花少量費用先品嘗試喝您的咖啡,以決定將來購買。
In addition to selling your branded standalone coffee products, they’re included in our “Morning Explorer” whole bean combo packs and “Club MIX” drip bag assortments. This way our users enjoy the greatest choice and ease of ordering and are able to sample your products for possible future purchase without spending a lot of money.